We can't deny that the first lady deserves props for D.C.'s rapidly-improving fashion rep. But, we tend to think that more credit should go to the under-the-radar women who manage to crush it in the style game and earn respect in a conservative, traditional work culture. Luckily, the fine folks at Glamour are on the same wave length, and profiled three working-girl style stars in the November issue.
These ladies — a press assistant, a Hill staffer, and a government affairs consultant — have pretty diverse personal styles, but they all share a refreshing willingness to take risks (while keeping it professional). We’re especially loving the ladylike panache of Abbey Brandon, who manages to look both age-appropriate (hard to believe she’s only 24!) and chic.
The women offer thoughtful musings on workplace style, from what's really important when you're dressing for a job in politics (Hint: It's not necessarily about looking powerful) to their go-to outfit for meeting the president. Click through for three visual lessons in power-dressing on your own terms.