Frankly, we're a little surprised it took this long. Lee Roy Myers, a Canadian director known for such films as A Wet Dream on Elm Street and Seinfeld: A XXX Parody 2 (yes, 2), will soon release his surely long-awaited porn web series parody of Game of Thrones. Its title? Game of Bones: Winter Is Cumming, naturally. Game of Moans and Game of Thongs were apparently in the running, too.
The web series, which stars none other than James Deen (as Jon Snow!), kicks off on October 25 on WoodRocket.com (NSFW, of course). GoT die-hards might be heartened to know that the world of Westeros might not be completely misrepresented here. "[We] didn't want to stray too far from what the original story did," Myers told iO9, which also has an exclusive SFW trailer for the series. "I will toss out there that the Red Wedding is now anything but a white wedding." Uh, mazel tov?
Still, some things have changed. Most notably, Joffrey is now female, because there are probably few working male porn actors with the petite king's particular je ne sais quoi. And, don't expect a Cersei-Jaime incest scene, either. Some things, we guess, are sacred. (i09)