While Jennifer Lawrence is undoubtedly Hollywood's leading down-to-earth and likeable lady du jour, Shailene Woodley is quietly becoming one of the coolest gals around, too. To recap, she starred alongside George Clooney in the Oscar-nominated The Descendants, is getting (rave) reviews in The Spectacular Now, and will be taking over theaters everywhere for Divergent, which, by the way, should earn her household-name status. But the emerging talent has captured the attention of beauty bloggers with her long, thick, straight hair — hair that she lopped off today for Children With Hair Loss, an organization that donates hair to kids who have lost theirs due to cancer or other medical issues.
hair nubbins #itgrowsback #hairforhazel pic.twitter.com/KKn3qQZ7jX
— Shailene Woodley (@shailenewoodley) August 17, 2013
She live-tweeted the cut, showing off "hair nubbins" and her newly shorn bob. As for losing several inches of hair, it's no big deal to Woodley, as "#ItGrowsBack," both a determinable hair truth and also the tagline for the organization to which she is donating. The idea was all Woodley's, and while she did need to cut it for an upcoming movie, she made sure her locks went to a good cause. You go, girl.