Standards of beauty vary cross-culturally; what women in one country aim to conceal is often considered a desirable trait in another. And our standards are so ingrained that it can be truly shocking to learn the differences. For example, our undereye bags: While often the bane of our existence, apparently, undereye circles are considered a sign of youthfulness in Korea. By that standard, we're veritable fountains of youth.
We were fascinated to read this piece on xoVain from one London-based beauty writer who decided to stop complaining about her undereye bags and try a Korean beauty trick for enhancing them. The most surprising part? Girlfriend looks real cute with her undereye circles defined. We're not sure if we're brave enough to try this out ourselves, but it definitely will help us feel better about ourselves on those mornings when no amount of brightening cream can combat the bags. It's just the wild glow of youth, right? Talk about a helpful reframe. (xoVain)

Photo: Via xoVain