It's no secret that we're, like, the biggest animal lovers ever. Whether we're hunting down the best places to adopt, or showering attention on the latest internet cat sensation, we can't get enough of the furry little guys. You might even go so far as to call some of us "crazy cat ladies" — but, is there really anything wrong with conducting Photo Booth sessions with your kitty (that's a hypothetical question, you guys)?
So, when we came across this story about Siglinda Scarpa, a former NYC artist who runs her own animal sanctuary and rescue organization in rural North Carolina, it struck near and dear to our four-legged-loving hearts. Sure, some may gawk at the fact that she houses over 40 cats on her property — plus seven dogs, and numerous birds, bunnies, and chickens — but this bona fide animal-whisperer is doing an amazing service to our critter counterparts.
Not only does she take in cats from anywhere and everywhere — she's rescued from hoaders in NYC and taken in Katrina refugees — but she brings even the most sickly and starving animals back to life. Plus, we'd say her four-legged friends have it pretty good over at Chez Scarpa, with acres and acres of woodland to explore (safely — the property is fenced in!), as well as pampering from a full-time staff of five, and countless volunteers.
While this touching tail tale certainly has us pondering the life menagerie, we know it takes someone truly special to care for all those little creatures — and, if we had that many animals, where would we keep our shoes? For now, we'll settle for an extra trip to our local shelter. (The New York Times)

Photo: Via The New York Times