It seems like the five-year contract rumors were true (plus a coupla years). Just like Nicole Kidman's, Katie Holmes' marriage to The Oprah couch-jumper Tom Cruise may have lasted a little longer, but we still don't believe it was a totally real union (remember those rumors that he was interviewing starlets like Kate Bosworth and Jessica Alba to be his wife?). Tom Cruise being Tom Cruise, this was clearly a calculated media move – burying the news on a Friday before the long weekend. And, clearly, it's been in the works for a while now — there's already a statement from an attorney.
Now, the only questions are: Will Katie Holmes' career go the way of Ms. Kidman's post-divorce, or — heaven forbid — Mimi Rodgers? What's happening to Suri? And, will all the deets of TomKat's cohabitation be — once again — sealed? We're guessing the former, not sure,...and, duh.
Are you shocked, or psyched cause you just cashed in a seven-year-old bet? (People)

Image: Via People Magazine.