Money Diary: A Junior Doctor On The South Coast On 29k

Welcome to Money Diaries, where we're tackling what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. We're asking a cross-section of women how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period – and we're tracking every last penny.
This week: "I'm a 24-year-old junior doctor living by myself on the south coast and trying my best to keep going through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Growing up my family was very comfortable. Both my parents are in finance so conversations around the dinner table often consisted of detailed discussions of trends in the S&P 500 or the latest IPO but I had no idea about day-to-day finances until about the age of 18. I do worry about money now. Mostly I feel guilty about not being able to help my parents in any way/repay their generosity. I also worry enormously about not being able to provide the same lifestyle for my children as my parents did for me. That being said, I believe in the NHS and don't want to work in private healthcare. A dilemma. I also sometimes make very impulsive purchases – usually presents for other people. This stresses me out and yet I continue to do it."
Industry: Healthcare
Age: 24
Location: South coast
Salary: £29,000. This is approximate as it depends on how many locum shifts I pick up. I'm hoping to bump it up to around 32k by the end of the year. NHS pension is 9.3% and is deducted pre-tax. I also pay £12 a month for the doctors mess. This would usually be for socials/sports etc. but is currently just a Diet Coke subscription.
Paycheque amount: £1,836 monthly.
Monthly Expenses
Housing costs: £700 rent including all bills. Super cheap for my area, especially as I live alone.
Savings? £63,000: £3,000 in my savings account, £30,000 in a LISA, £30,000 in a SIPP. Both the LISA and SIPP are courtesy of my parents saving for me throughout my life. I know I'm extraordinarily lucky to have parents who can afford to invest money on my behalf and are financially literate enough to do so. They also paid for my university tuition so I don't have any debt. I know I'm very privileged and am beyond grateful to my parents for their hard work and generosity.
All other monthly expenses: £29 gym membership (currently on hold as we're in tier 4). £5 New York Times subscription. £18.99 phone contract (unlimited data worldwide. Wish the worldwide part was still relevant...). £9.75 British Medical Association membership. Approximately £200 savings. £10 to Oceana, a charity helping tackle marine pollution and raise awareness of the plight of the oceans. £50 therapy. I should probably go more often than monthly but it's so expensive. I have suffered from an eating disorder in various forms for about five years, which I'm still trying to squish. On a Spotify family plan, mooch Netflix off my brother.
This money diary includes discussion of eating disorders and recovery.