Your Horoscope This Week: 12th To 18th May

Cosmic beings, how are you flowing after the Taurus new moon? If you haven’t yet set your new moon intentions, this is a formidable week for doing so, as the energy of the new moon will be felt up until 17th May, and this was the final new moon in the next 12 years that we’ll experience while Jupiter is in Taurus. Do your best to keep your new moon intentions simple and down to earth, while still allowing yourself to dream beyond what you once thought was possible. 
The highlight of this week is Mercury’s entrance into Taurus on 15th May at 5:05 p.m. GMT. Mercury’s been in Aries ever since 9th March, so it’ll feel like a welcome change to have the Planet of Communication hanging out in an earth sign rather than a fire sign. Our minds will receive the opportunity to calm down and not feel like everything is so pressing… Taking part in meditative and soothing activities is encouraged this week, especially since it’s an astrologically chill period right now. 
Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.

Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, with Mercury spending its final days in your sign before entering Taurus on the 15th, you’re likely to be quite self-focused as the week begins. You may not be in the mood to compromise or bend over backward to meet others’ needs, and that’s okay. Chiron, the asteroid that deals with our inner wounds, is also in your sign, encouraging you to be clear about what you need to feel spiritually healthy along your healing journey. That may look like cutting certain people out of your life (at least temporarily) if they disturb your inner peace or drain your energy. 
Once Mercury shifts into Taurus on the 15th, your sector of money and self-esteem is activated for the next three weeks. This would be an ideal time to reflect on sustainable and structured ways to boost your income. Having the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus all in your money sector indicates that if you consistently yet patiently put in the work, you’ll most definitely receive the rewards, in due time. 

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, this week you’re likely to be feeling real mellow thanks to the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus all hanging out in your sign. Last week’s Taurus new moon taught you the importance of staying true to yourself and your values, and envisioning the best-case scenario. Now you’re being gifted the opportunity to take that theory and put it into practical action. How can you make sure that every day this week is filled with pleasurable activities that are aligned with your values and deepest intentions? Since the new moon in your sign was ruled by Venus, your planetary ruler, which is also in your sign, your powers of manifestation and magnetism are skyrocketing. Make the most of this auspicious era. 
But wait — there’s more! On the 15th, Mercury shifts out of Aries — where it’s been for the past two months — and enters your sign for the next three weeks. When Mercury was in Aries you were focused on healing past wounds, and while the healing process was occurring more rapidly than usual, it still took a lot of energy out of you. Now Mercury in Taurus is asking you to focus on yourself and your own needs. Be more selfish with your energy and take a break from all the shadow work. Step into the light. 

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, you’ve been going through a profound period of spiritual rebirth due to an abundance of planets currently in Taurus, activating your sector of spirituality and healing. Now that the Taurus new moon has struck, you’d benefit from taking time this week to write your new moon intentions regarding what lessons you’ve integrated and learned, and what you hope to gain from your healing journey over the course of the next six months. This is also a great week to practice deep breathing and meditation techniques, as you’re more open to slowing down and taking in cosmic downloads. 
With your planetary ruler Mercury shifting out of Aries — after a two-month stay — and entering Taurus, you’re not quite out of the woods when it comes to the emphasis on your spirituality. There’s a reason that the cosmos is asking you to do this inner excavation, Gemini. Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system and the planet of luck, is preparing to enter your sign on 25th May, for a 13-month stay. This is an epic transit that will catapult you to new heights of success. But in order for the success to be sustainable, you must first be grounded and spiritually aligned. 

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, this is a relatively calm week astrologically speaking, so you’d benefit from scheduling zen activities as your main priorities. There’s a lot going on in your inner world as well as in your social life, but you can choose to simply be here without needing to control or understand everything at once… With Pluto getting settled in its retrograde in your sector of merging and outside resources, part of your focus this week should be looking at which collaborations from the past would be worthy of picking back up this week and beyond. Instead of looking for something new, you’d benefit from reconnecting with what once was. 
Mercury’s transit through Taurus provides you with fertile ground for having heart-to-hearts with your closest friends, or people who once were friends. If you’ve noticed that there was a distancing during Mercury retrograde last month, you’re now being given the opportunity to get closer to each other in the capacity that feels right to both of you. Pace yourself through this process, while keeping empathy at the heart of it all. 

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, you’ve been reflecting on the people from your past that have been slowly but consistently resurfacing in your life ever since Pluto began its retrograde in your partnership sector on 2nd May. Keep in mind that while it’s inevitable for people to pop back up, you have the power to set the necessary boundaries if you’re not willing for them to come back into your orbit. But with the recent Taurus new moon still influencing us, chances are that beneficial individuals will enter your stratosphere this week, and you’d benefit from giving them the time of day. 
Mercury enters Taurus on the 15th, and since Mercury is the Planet of Communication and squares off (creates astrological friction) with your fiery Leo nature, you may at first feel like this transit is moving too slowly for your liking. But there’s a reason the cosmos is asking you to slow your roll, Leo. Jupiter’s getting ready to enter Gemini on the 25th, and that’s going to supercharge several elements of your life all at once. So it’s best to structure your thoughts, projects and ideas now so that you have greater clarity later… 

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, last week’s Taurus new moon felt like a healing balm to your spirit. Even though you’re still getting surprised by life’s plot twists, you have a better ability to deal with them without losing your cool, and this is largely due to the new moon’s influence and the fact that Mercury is out of its post-shadow retrograde period. You’re able to see and hear yourself more clearly, and all the earth energy in the cosmos is keeping you grounded and focused on your utmost priorities. 
On the 15th, your planetary ruler Mercury shifts out of Aries — where it’s been for the past two months — and enters Taurus for the next three weeks. This activates your sector of expansion, travel, media, publishing and higher education, making it a great time to direct your attention to those areas of your life. If you’ve been wanting to launch a digital or physical product, travel internationally, or allow yourself to be more seen on social media, you have the green light to get started on these initiatives, as the cosmos is in a supportive and abundant mood. 

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, your life’s been relatively chill so far this month, especially compared to March and April due to the madness of eclipse season. Now that it’s been over a month since the lunar eclipse in your sign struck, you’re starting to put together the cosmic tests and lessons that you’ve been navigating these past weeks, and you may also be reaping the rewards of major initiatives you had launched more than six months ago. 
Give yourself plenty of time this week to celebrate your growth, and plant seeds for future growth by setting Taurus new moon intentions (since both you and Taurus are ruled by Venus, this new moon is being particularly sweet to you, so make the most of it). Once Mercury enters Taurus on the 15th, you’ll be reflecting on ways to secure generational wealth using proactive and practical measures. It’s a great time to connect with a wealth specialist or join a money management course to boost your skills. 

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, this week you may be nursing some of your wounds due to the fact that important projects that you invested your time and resources in are experiencing delays or rejections (which can also be reframed as redirections). Instead of pouting and spending the entire week feeling moody, you’d benefit from spending time in nature this Taurus Season, as the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus are all in Taurus right now. You’d also benefit from spending time with someone special who sees and loves you for who you really are and not for what society expects you to be. 
Mercury’s presence in Taurus these next three weeks will have you reflecting on your closest comrades and romantic partner(s) — either the ones you already have, the ones you once had, the ones who want you, and/or the ones you’re making room for. This could prove to be an enlightening transit where you’re encouraged to step out of your own Scorpio bubble and put yourself in other people’s shoes. You may suddenly see or better understand how they perceive you, which could ultimately lead to a heart-to-heart conversation where you and the other person practice vulnerability in order to deepen your connection. 

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, we’re experiencing two more weeks of your planetary ruler Jupiter hanging out in Taurus in your sector of health and wellness. Then on the 25th it’ll make an iconic entrance into Gemini for the next 13 months, lighting up your sector of relationships and intimacy. This means that your focus this week will be on ways to boost your health and happiness through the routines you do and the discipline you train yourself to have. 
Mercury’s entrance into Taurus on the 15th further highlights this realm of your life, so don’t be surprised if many of your thoughts over the course of the next three weeks have to do with radicalising your current fitness journey or eating regimen in order to simplify your lifestyle and make better choices regarding how you treat your body. Just do your best to not let this make you obsessive — you’re already great as you are, so yes you can focus on self-improvement, but not at the detriment of your mental health. 

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, you’ll start this week feeling satisfied with yourself — especially if you’ve followed my advice from last week and you’ve been allowing yourself to play more, and stress less. If you have yet to take this advice into account, you’re in luck because this is the ideal week to set new moon intentions regarding what freedom specifically feels and looks like to you. If you have absolutely no idea where to begin, you’d benefit from getting lost in inspiring films or books to remind you that there’s more to life than obsessively working. 
At the same time, with Mercury, the Planet of Communication, entering Taurus and squaring off (creating astrological tension) with Pluto, now retrograde, in Aquarius, you might feel restless this week when it comes to balancing your desire for fun with your need for financial security. You’re advised to use Mercury in Taurus’ structured vibes to create a game plan for how you can better balance relaxation and productivity these next few weeks. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, this week’s energy continues to take you out of your comfort zone and encourages you to be more practical and logical in any pursuits you regularly give your time and attention to. This will particularly be the case starting 15th May when Mercury shifts out of Aries — where it’s been for the past two months — and enters Taurus, a sign that’s quite different from yours (other than the fact that you’re both fixed signs). Mercury’s transit in Taurus activates your sector of home, roots, and the past, so you may suddenly feel the urge to get to the root of any family drama or secrets. Pace yourself during this exploration process. 
Keep in mind that Pluto is still retrograde in your sign for the next five months, and the person you should be focusing on exploring and understanding most is your own self. So if you find yourself getting caught up in family drama — or even friendship or work drama — you’d benefit from setting the necessary boundaries so that you don’t feel overwhelmed by life’s pressures. Protect your peace, babe. 

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, you’re experiencing two more weeks of your planetary ruler Jupiter hanging out in Taurus and activating your sector of communication and creativity. This week is ideal for putting your creative projects out there, particularly if you’ve been hoarding them for most of the year. You’re cosmically supported when it comes to letting yourself be seen, especially since the energy of the Taurus new moon is still coursing through the cosmos. Now’s the time to set clear and simple intentions regarding the glow-up you’re ready to step into. 
If you feel the urge to be both more sensitive and emotionally-detached this week, it’s most likely due to Pluto’s ongoing retrograde in your sector of spirituality and healing. You can tell that there are experiences from your past that you need to process and work through, but Pluto’s presence in Aquarius is also teaching you that some experiences can simply be had without the need to get to the root of why they happened. If you find yourself getting caught up in over-analysis of yourself, your past, or your relationships this week, take it as a sign to get out into the world, move your body, connect with nature, and remember that this too shall pass.

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