Sharp Objects is finally here to give you a summer TV thriller worth obsessing over. As the series premiere “Vanish” reveals, the miniseries revolves around the murder of two young girls in the fictional town of Wind Gap, Missouri. The town’s newly returned daughter Camille Preaker (executive producer Amy Adams), a crime journalist now living in St. Louis, is tasked with unraveling the grisly killings for her newspaper.
The draw of the series is figuring out who is behind Wind Gap’s reign of bloody terror and the many causes of Camille’s very evident trauma, which has led to her long history of self-harm.
For the folks who have read Sharp Objects, the 2006 Gillian Flynn novel the series is based on, it’s easy to assume the answers to these questions follow the book's blueprint step-by-step. After all, Flynn is an executive producer for the HBO thriller. But that isn’t exactly the case.
As with most adaptations, changes occur on the long road towards the small screen. Keep reading to find out what the Sharp Objects TV team altered to make your new favourite summer show a reality — and what that means for Camille Preaker, along with everyone around her.
Sharp Objects is showing on Sky Atlantic in the UK.
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