Where's The Cast Of Mad Men, 10 Years After The Series Premiere?

It's been 10 years since Don Draper first waltzed onto our TV screens, drinking a glass of whiskey in his high-rise office well before noon. When Mad Men started, we found ourselves in the Sterling Cooper ad agency in 1960. We said goodbye to the warm comforts of 2007's millennial-run offices — which, compared to the patriarchy displayed in Mad Men, seemed radically liberal — and were ushered in the ruthless terrain of a Madison Avenue advertising agency.
How many of us guessed then that Mad Men would become known as one of the best television series of all time?
By now, we're used to having more hours of amazing TV than a person could consume in a lifetime — it's the Golden Age of television, after all. But let's not forget the shows like Mad Men and Breaking Bad that, a decade ago, reminded us that TV could be more than weekly, hour-long escapes from reality. These shows situated complex, nuanced characters in worlds wildly different from our own, and scratched a curiosity we didn't even know we had in the process.
So, in honour of the show that launched many a career, let's catch up with the Mad Men, 10 years on.

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