Kristen Stewart Was Saturday Night Live’s Best Host Of The Season

Photo: Rosalind O'Connor/NBC.
Kristen Stewart handed in THE strongest hosting job on Saturday Night Live for the season — scratch that, for about the last five seasons. In her monologue she addressed those times Donald Trump tweeted about her, hypothesising that he was probably in love with Robert Pattinson (which would explain a lot). She then assured us that she's not "too cool for school" and dropped an f-bomb on live TV.
It was the proper follow-up for the show's explosive cold intro, which found Alec Baldwin behind the Resolute Desk calling Australia, Mexico, Germany, and Zimbabwe at the behest of President Steve Bannon, until Pres. Bannon sent him back to his tiny desk. Can't wait to read the reaction on Twitter.
Also seen: Melissa McCarthy making a surprise appearance as always angry Press Secretary Sean Spicer, Kate McKinnon dusted off her Justin Bieber impression (still perfect), Leslie Jones as the breaking-est version of Samuel L. Jackson ever, a Meet Cute from hell, and the re-edited welcome to America video for visitors.
Make sure you linger on the Totinos Super Bowl faux commercial/Sundance short. It is the exact line between KStew and SNL, executed perfectly.
Click through for more of the best (and there were a lot of bests) from SNL with Kristen Stewart.

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