13 Erogenous Zones That You’ll Want Touched Right Now

According to an iconic Friends scene, women have seven erogenous zones — but according to sex researchers, there may actually be dozens more. That’s because the term 'erogenous zone' simply means a place on your body that, when touched in the right circumstances, can make you feel aroused. "An erogenous zone is a part of the body that has heightened sensitivity," Claudia Six, PhD, a clinical sexologist, relationship coach, and author of the book Erotic Integrity: How to Be True to Yourself Sexually, previously told Refinery29.
One person’s erogenous zone may be different from another’s: some people are so turned on by nipple stimulation that they can orgasm from it, while for others, it doesn’t do much. (When you think about it, that Friends scene nods to it: Rachel is initially surprised by one of the erogenous zones Monica brings up, after all.)
Even the most seemingly obvious erogenous zones come with variations: some people find that their clitoris is too sensitive to be touched directly, and they prefer being touched near the clit rather than directly on it. That said, if you’re making out or having sex with a new partner, these erogenous zones are a good place to begin — odds are they’ll like having at least some of these places touched. Just listen and believe them if they tell you they’re not into it — or if they ask you to touch somewhere you’re surprised by.
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