Shameless Is One Show That Is Never Shy About Sex Scenes

Photo: Chcuk Hodes/SHOWTIME.
Shameless is a show that, as its title suggests, has never exactly been afraid to push boundaries. It has, unsurprisingly, had more than a few steamy sex scenes. In fact, the show has gotten so steamy that there are several NSFW compilations of its sex scenes available on Pornhub.
If you watch, it’s not hard to understand why. Shameless’ characters have sex in the most ludicrous, enthusiastic, and, well, pornographic fashion; from incestuous threesomes, office hours hookups with professors, and sex toys galore, it’s all but impossible to imagine watching an episode without thanking every deity in the universe that you aren't watching it with your parents.
Of all the sex scenes on the show, some still manage to stand out. Check out the best ones here.
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