How To Master The Next Big Social Platform

No one was born a social media guru. But with dedication, observation, and a quest for improvement, you can rise above the masses. (Or, cough, maybe with the help of a few well-placed tips and hacks.) We've seen how to do this with Snapchat, but now it's time to see how we can up our livestreaming game with Facebook Live.
Like Twitter's Periscope app, and Meerkat before it, Facebook Live lets you stream yourself, or what's happening around you, live to fans and followers around the world. While they watch, they can also comment and ask questions, which you can answer (or ignore). Facebook opened up Live to everyone earlier this year, and a number of surprising individuals and topics are gaining followings, such as tattoo artist Liz Cook and even scientists.
Today, Facebook also introduced a handful of new features to its livestreaming platform. You can choose who exactly you want to share your video with, and you can customize your stream using filters or your current emotion.
Whether you want to share makeup tutorials or your opinion on last night's episode of Scandal, you can hop on Facebook Live to share. And if you want to gain a following while you do it, these 10 tips will help.

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