We’re Cry-Laughing At The “How To” Questions People Are Googling

Many of us have at some point drawn on the almighty powers of Google to figure out how to do something. Like, say, how to cook rice or how to do squats. (Or at least those are the first suggestions when you type "how to cook" and "how to do.") But we had no idea so many people in Hawaii wanted to know how to be ninjas. Estately analyzed which how-to questions people in each state Google more than any other states, and as usual, their results are equal parts perplexing and hilarious. Our personal favorite is that people in New York want to know "how to explain mansplaining," perhaps because they've been witnessing Hillary Clinton undergo it longer than anyone else has. We can only hope those who Google this aren't attempting to mansplain mansplaining. A close second: People in Florida apparently just want to know how to get out of Florida. We also love how many Pokémon Go-related searches there were. It's good to see people asking the tough questions. Take a look at the rest of the results in this gloriously labelled map.

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