If your first reaction to that headline was "ew," then clearly you need a proper introduction to the wonders of wine perfume. The Kelly & Jones Wine Notes Collection features five perfumes inspired by different varietals of vino: Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, Cabernet, Merlot, and Chardonnay. Creator Kelly Jones was inspired to create the scents after attending a wine tasting and noticing how her vanilla perfume intermingled with the notes of the wine she was savoring. Jones headed back to her fragrance studio with bottles of her favorite wines and went about mixing up scents that played off the undertones of each wine.
The end result is a collection of fragrances that features notes like honeydew, rhubarb, and toasted oak. When you stop to think about it, the concept makes sense: Sommeliers often instruct you to sniff the wine before you drink it, so that you can get a better understanding of a wine's complex flavor profile. Fragrance and scent are intertwined, so a wine fragrance is just a natural progression of this link.
When you look at it that way, it doesn't seem so odd after all. It also helps that the scents themselves are stunning — our favorite is the fruity Riesling, which has notes of white peach, anjou pear, bergamot, and raspberry leaf. We have eternal love for our vino, so we fully support anything that helps us celebrate our obsession without feeling like total lushes.
Have we had one too many, or is a wine perfume something you would try, too?
Kelly & Jones Wine Notes Collection, $84 each, available at Kelly & Jones.
Photo: Courtesy of Kelly & Jones