Twitter Troll: Kate Spade Plays Hooky, Kelly Osbourne Goes Pink, And Charlotte Ronson’s Painkiller Smoothie

katespadeny: "it's a beautiful day in new york, new york. play hooky and swing by to grab a pinwheel, on us." Don't mind if we do!
apachebeat: "Learning lyrics for a few covers for TopShop anniversary party tommorrow. Glad Spector and Eno can't hear me now." We didn't see Phil and Brian hanging out at Topshop anyway.
Elizabethandj: "Fall previews today... Here's a sneak peek at our fall shoes. That's all you're gonna get. ;)" WANT. WANT. WANT.
MissKellyO: "Today I was sent shampoo that was meant to make hair stay lavender longer and it turned my hair the color of the financial times!" We wonder if My Little Pony had this problem as well.
cjronson: " "Now you can make a Painkiller at home too" There's nothing like whipping up a pharmaceutical smoothies to take the edge off.