rzrachelzoe: "http://twitpic.com/wxlqe - My hot hubby braving the ocean! XoRZ" Could you define "braving," please?
ChicReport: "We Should Have Seen It Coming: February 2010 Harper's Bazaar: The top ten things that shouldn't have made our jaws... http://bit.ly/8komLl" According to Bazaar, we'll all be getting our sclerotherapy, mini phlebectomy, endovenous laser ablation and lipo done in the new year. Joy.
daisylowe: "bye bye my first Christmas tree :( didn't realise we'd become so attached..." Growing up is hard to do. .
MISTERMORT "Seriously RT @TaylorStitch: @MISTERMORT The waste that comes with fast fashion...Maybe people will learn to invest. Buy pieces for life kids" Oooorrr, we could all learn how to make inexpensive, quality clothing that we have the good enough sense to donate when we're done with. New Years' resolution, fashion world?
facehunter: "I saw today in the snow of London a guy wearing flip-flops. I guess he didn't want his shoes to be wet. #smarttipstokeepyourshoesdry" Ladies and gents, it's the winter footwear option stupider than Uggs!