If we've said it once, we've said it a hundred times. Shoes can make or break even the coolest outfit. While we're not gonna judge you if you're in last season's wedges, pairing crocs with even the sweetest Acne skinnies is straight-up fashion vom. And, don't think we give any leeway to the bros—bad footwear's a deal-breaker. There's just nothing worse than seeing the total package rockin' a pair of dirty clunkers, or, even worse, those terrifying dress-shoe/sneaker hybrids. Well, lucky for you and the dudes, new-ish men's brand Heutchy has come to rescue. With a small but perfect collection of boots, sneakers, and oxfords for fall '10, NYC designer creator Wells Stellberger has created a line that plugs the gap between Costume National and Converse, with high quality detailing, moderate prices ($250-450), and contstruction that will last pretty much forever. Now there's no excuse not to be put-together.
We're giving on of you the chance to score a pair of sweet shoes from the spring '10 collection. So whether you're itchin' for an Oxford or craving a chukkah, all you have to do is post a picture of your boyfriend's or guy friend's most awful pair of shoes on our Facebook wall. The worst gets the free shoes (and we know he needs them!). We'll post the result Thursday at noon!
Heutchy, available at Project No. 8 at the Ace Hotel, 20 West 29th Street (at Broadway); 212-679-2222