Is it us, or is throwing a fashion party at a gay bar somewhat redundant? Redundancy didn't stand in the way of a screaming good time at the bear/leather bar The Eagle last night for the afterparty for Oak's "Bond Age" presentation. The crowd was being served by burly gents in leather harnesses (Overheard: "Is that ironic?") and by 11pm there was barely any room to move (packed in like sausages, you know). Of course, with the type of folks in attendance, we didn't mind the close quarters. Essentially the party was a mash-up of the Santos and Beatrice crowd, dressed in their Sunday finest (that is, plaid and shorts for boys and high-waisted skirts for girls). We also couldn't ignore an abundance of twirled mustaches gracing the boys' faces. Louis Terline of Oak surveyed the leather-clad scene and declared, "They really need to up the tranny factor in here," before speeding off to welcome more stylishly hirsute guests.
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