A DIY project that we can totally get right the first time: Tavi teaches us the art of the Bitchface. (Rookie)
Knit a sweater, save a New Zealand penguin. Did you hear us? Knit some sweaters guys! (The Frisky)
Same-sex couples are mixing old and new traditions to create their own unique wedding styles, and we absolutely love the results. (New York Times)
We are less-than surprised that Anna Wintour is the chicest traveler around. But for the record, she opts for jeans and a "cute top" for comfort, just like us. (Gawker)
Let's face it, collegiate apparel is usually the farthest thing from chic. These tees by Mark McNairy still won't win any beauty contests, but they get huge points for being cheeky. (Slam Hype)

Photo: Via New York Times