Add lipstick to the long list of wares that superstylist Rachel Zoe has sprinkled her style-savvy pixie dust on as of late; the ubiquitous blonde who has recently partnered with giants like Judith Leiber and QVC is now basking in the spotlight as brand ambassador of new lipstick brand Exude. But this isn’t your mama’s lipstick. A clear, crystal applicator bullet shakes things up by releasing a single-dot serving of elastic gel color with just a twist of the tube. This cleverly ensures that your lipstick won’t wear down into some strange, shapeless mound, and that the surface will stay crisp.
Cosmetic industry veterans Diane Breidenbach and Laurence Mille created the technology behind the shimmery, nine-shade line. Yet it was Zoe who styled the crisp, white tube packaging, which she says is a design strategy she uses for interior decorating, too. “Most of my house is modern and white inside, with splashes of accent colors that catch your eye. You can’t go wrong with that formula,” Zoe told us at the collection's launch. What's her trick for choosing a lipstick shade? “Contrast your lip color with whatever you’re wearing. Do a pale lip with a deep dress, or go bold when you’re wearing light colors,” she instructs. “And don’t do a red lip with a red dress, it clashes. Plus, you don’t ever want to be predictable.” Zoe has spoken.
Exude Lipstick, $29, available in August at Exude Lipstick.