The Hermès Birkin bag has been the most exclusive, expensive, and elusive handbag style in the world, with multiple-year-long wait lists and price tags in the five digits. And now they're kicking it up a notch. Leave it to the storied brand to find a way to make the even more of a statement piece.
Pierre Hardy, who has been creating Hermès' jewelry collections, has created miniature, 6-inch-tall Kelly and Birkin bags made with between 1,160 and 2,712 diamonds, totaling around 34 and 90 carats, respectively. The bags actually open and shut and can be worn as a evening purse or as a really ostentatious, annoying bracelet. Both jewelry and a bag… can we consider this as a two-for-one deal for the 1%? (WWD)
Photo: Via WWD/Tobin Smith