Kat George is the Content Manager and Editor at Thought Catalog, and has written for Jezebel, Refinery29, and lots of other wonderful sites. She blogs at KatGlitter.
"I'm a woman of simple pleasures. I like watching Die Hard, eating cheeseburgers, and I wish that I never had to wear pants (although I grudgingly concede that they may be one of society's most necessary evils). I don't own a lot of clothes—partly because I decided to chase my dream of impoverishment (writing) and partly because no matter how much I own, the whole process of putting together outfits is so overwhelmingly confusing to me that I just end up wearing my favorite thing over and over again.
"My favorite thing right now (and forever more) is my new Lonely Hearts leather and shearling jacket. I got it about 2 months ago and I haven't taken it off—I even shower in it (that was a joke, I shower naked). Wearing the jacket so much has been very beneficial to me socially, and not just because it makes me look like a hot damn badass (who Bruce Springsteen definitely would have wanted to date in the 80s. 'Bruce, if you're reading this, call me). Let me explain.
"It so happened that a few weeks ago I was very briefly introduced to a lovely girl who I assumed I would never see again. A week after the first introduction, I was minding my own business in Greenpoint when said lovely girl sidled up next to me and said "Hey! Kat right? I saw you from across the road and recognized you from your jacket so I thought I'd come and say hi! By the way that jacket is awesome, almost as awesome as you, and you look like a total dope babe." OK so I added that last bit in myself just then, but the point is, she recognized me by my jacket and now I have a brand new friend to play with. We exchanged numbers, added each other on Facebook (which is how you know you're really friends) and now we hang out and talk about penises all the time. It's wonderful, and I have my Lonely Hearts jacket to thank."