The Wellness Trends Everyone In L.A. Is Obsessed With Right Now

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To many New Yorkers, there's a stereotypical idea of what "L.A. wellness" entails: hikes in Runyon Canyon, CBD oil green smoothies, and bone broth from Erewhon — whatever that is. Compared to the intense grind of NYC life, Los Angelinos seem to have the whole wellness lifestyle under control. And to an extent, that's kind of true.
"I think everything in general is just — it’s a little easier in L.A.," says Michelle Pellizzon, the Los Angeles-based creator of Holisticism, a site for booking and researching holistic health treatments. In L.A., you can walk into pretty much any restaurant and order a moderately-healthy meal. You can find a yoga and Pilates studio, or go on a hike in pretty much any neighborhood. "Because there’s such a low barrier to entry, wellness becomes easier to adopt for more people. It’s part of the lifestyle," she says.
Despite the fact that everyone drives and Southern California has some of the worst air pollution in the country, many wellness trends are born in LA. After all, that's where Gwyneth Paltrow, mother of Goop, resides. So, what can the rest of the country expect to see blowing up soon? Ahead are some of the whacky and oh-so-L.A. trends that might inspire you no matter where you live.

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