Gemini Season Is Here — It Promises To Be Spectacular

Photographed by Megan Madden.
Every year, we hear bad things about Gemini Season. People say it’s a time of duplicity, dualism, and erraticism, and that it has a trickster nature, but that isn’t true. If you go to the core of Gemini Season, you’ll see that the energy is vibrant, humorous, and clever. Gemini Season is when we are at our freest, and people are more open and less judgy. And, this year, May 20 to June 20 promises to be spectacular.
Tarot reader Blue June sums up Gemini Season by saying: “Not unlike how the earth thaws after winter, so do our social tendencies. Thus, by the time Gemini Season begins and the warm-up is complete, we find ourselves utterly flawless in conversation. Mercury rules communication and intellect, which shows during this season in all social aspects of our lives. Prepare to navigate the party with expertise!” 
And the party season won’t be the only thing we are navigating. During the last month of spring, we’ll also want to complete tasks. While we’ll put the additional work in projects, it’s essential not to hurry. After all, haste makes waste. It’s better to put the extra hours into ventures to ensure everything is completed with care. Geminis are known for their attention to detail, so utilize that vibe. Precision and methodology is key.
The dual nature of Gemini Season also has advantages, giving us the opportunity to change our opinions. We can see situations, friendships, and partnerships from a different perspective. As the constellation is the twins, we can understand and accept other viewpoints — even if we oppose them. We don’t have to be rigid and can welcome new insights and ideology. The acceptance level is high, which can bring different people together.   
There are many critical astrological dates this month. 
On May 20, the sun enters Gemini, heightening our desire for 24/7 communication, IRL face-time with friends, and endless fun. 
On May 23, the full moon in Sagittarius rises, allowing us to explore different philosophies and challenge our value systems. Later in the day, Venus moves into Gemini, allowing us to choose intellectualism in romantic endeavors. 
Lucky planet Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25, expanding our social network by finding the people we connect with most to be a part of our crew. 
Informative and inquisitive Mercury flies into Gemini on June 3, gathering news and information to buzz around our ears. 
On June 4, the sun and Venus unite in Gemini, creating the annual connection of the two planets. This aspect is called a Venus Star Point (a term coined by the astrologer Arielle Guttman), and it gives us a chance to explore our emotions and let them be known. The same day, Mercury and Jupiter link up in Gemini, pushing us to examine such relationships and evoking our hunger for knowledge. 
June 14 brings the sun and Mercury together in Gemini, forming an astrological aspect called “cazimi,” which translates to “heart of the sun.” It’s a potent time to plan for the future, sign contracts, and forge partnerships.
Mercury and Venus swim into Cancer on June 17, adding sensitivity, intuition, and tenderness to the forefront of our thoughts and hearts. Mercury and Venus also come together on this same date to deliver refinement and peace to our lives.
The weeks ahead will be supercharged with Gemini energy — from the sun to Mercury to Venus to Jupiter. However, Saturn and Neptune’s presence in Pisces will sometimes bring tension. Saturn might dwell or be insecure, and Neptune can evoke lethargy or uncertainty. As long as we believe in ourselves and our visions, we can shake off these negative sensations and use the higher vibration of these planets, adding determination or discipline from Saturn and inspiration or dreaminess from Neptune. 
Days to watch out for are:
June 8: Venus squares Saturn, hindering our finances.
June 9: The sun shares a tense moment with Saturn, affecting our self-esteem.
June 10: Mercury harshly connects with Saturn, limiting our ability to communicate.
June 16: Venus clashes with Neptune, enhancing our fantasies.
June 17: Mercury and Neptune confront each other, boosting our imagination.
June 20: The sun and Neptune collide, making daydreaming seem like it’s part of our routine.
All the mutable and airy planets may heighten anxiety. If you or someone you know is overwhelmed, checking in with others is vital to get or give support. Reach out for a friendly shoulder to lean on, and don’t be afraid to express yourself. Most importantly, practice kindness, compassion, patience, and empathy. Pay the generosity forward by being nice to others after receiving TLC. Spread the love!

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