Nina Ricci Fall ’09 First Pics Are In! But Is This The Collection That Will Save Theyskens?

We've been holding our breaths for photos to trickle in from Paris, but word on the web is that fashion darling Olivier Theyskens showed a stunning, recession-proof collection for Nina Ricci. The Cut reports that rumor is, Mario Grauso, the head of Puig Fashion Group, actually fired Theyskens—but the man simply won't leave! Instead, he designed his heart out, hopefully on pieces that will fly off the shelves faster than last season's Ricci wares. But when we saw the first shots from Fashion Copious, we weren't too sure what to think. The catsuits are sexy and that leather jacket is so divinely sleek, but will the average Nina Ricci customer drop thousands on a pant-less look? Would Theyskens' big clients—Reese Witherspoon, Reneé Zellweger— have the guts to rock it on the red carpet? But what do you think: Do these first images seal Theyskens' spot at Nina Ricci, or put him even closer to the edge?

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