While Dakota Fanning may only just be old enough to vote, her sense of style is well beyond her years. She's dabbled in pink hair, starred in a controversial Marc Jacobs fragrance ad, and, at a recent Elie Saab private dinner, seemed to be rocking the ombré trend on her tresses.
The look is tired, you say? We're not so sure: The contrast of her dark roots and honey tips against the rest of her platinum blonde hair is pretty stunning. Using a short gradation of color allows the overall style to stay fresh (and office-friendly!) while a longer fade might look a little sloppy. The best part? It's great for those who are afraid of commitment — one to two inches of hair is much easier to sacrifice than four to five.
Would you wear this low-key version of ombré or are you so over two-tone in any form?
Photo: Billy Farrell/BFAnyc.com