Your Horoscope This Week: June 13, 2021

Illustration by Stefhany Lozano
This week we find ourselves deep into June and deep into Mercury Retrograde. While the eclipses have come and gone, their influence over us is far from over and emotional after-shocks are to be expected — especially for sensitive babes whose stars line up with these solar events. Goddess bless Geminis especially, but not exclusively. Of course, it’s not all tears for fears in the atmosphere, especially with Mars sliding into Leo on the 11th. There’s a little bit more incentive to show up, show out, and have a friendly showdown if you’re feeling inspired.
Friendly competition is a fire sign pleasure, and it’s a worthy counter-energy to the Saturn/Uranus square that perfects on the 14th. The tension between these planetary bodies and their impulses — to build and/or to break down — is in itself nothing new, but this recurring transit flows over our Earthly experience in Aquarian waves, bringing new perspectives and approaches each time just to keep it interesting. 
A quarter moon in Virgo on the 17th might have us feeling a little more critical, but no less desiring of a meaningful connection. It’s a great week to nurture the people and projects in our lives that give us a sense of purpose, and honor the parts of us that used to judge, but are now ready to learn instead.

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