Whether you're looking forward to hot girl summer, shot girl summer, or just... summer, it's safe to say that the vibes are high as we enter the warm-weather months. And on May 8, Venus, the Planet of Love and Desire, enters chatty Gemini, amplifying the already fun and flirty energy straight through June 2.
Gemini is one of the free spirits of the zodiac. "This airy placement for romantic Venus focuses more on intellectualism and communication than anything else," says Lisa Stardust, the author of Saturn Return Survival Guide and The Astrology Deck. During this transit, you'll be more drawn to partners who can hold their own in a back-and-forth — meaning that if the words aren't flowing, you'll more than likely be going.
This is a pretty significant theme throughout the transit, mostly because our social lives will be a top priority for us, according to Leslie Hale, psychic astrologer for Keen.com. But we'll want novelty too. When Venus is in Gemini, "routine situations can be quite dull and boring, as are dogmatic, predictable people and routines," Hale says. For the next few weeks, don't fight the urge to try new things and meet new people. Make fun, adventurous plans with friends or invite someone out for a spontaneous date.
If you're already in a relationship, the transit tends to be pretty cerebral. "For couples, Venus in Gemini is all about mental stimulation, so sex becomes brainier," Narayana Montúfar, senior astrologer for Astrology.com says. "A good debate or even a board game can be the perfect foreplay."
For single people, Venus in Gemini is a very flirtatious transit, though not the best time to take a relationship from "talking" to "official," notes Montúfar. During this stretch, Venus will aspect Neptune, the Nodes of Destiny, and Saturn, Stardust points out. This means that "fated and past life connections will come our way, only to leave us perplexed as to which direction we should take," she says. Montúfar adds that these placements tend to bring about serendipitous meetings, brand-new beginnings, and sudden endings, especially in your love life.
On May 24, Venus in Gemini will form an opposition to retrograde Juno (which Montúfar calls the asteroid of commitment) in Sagittarius. "This is another aspect that spells splits and endings in relationships," Montúfar warns. "With both Venus and Juno in freedom-seeking signs, it might be harder than ever to commit!"
If you're feeling on the fence about a certain potential love, or anything really, it's totally okay to take your time making a decision right now. "In true Venus in Gemini style, think and talk it over many, many, many times," Stardust says. Intellect is rewarded while Venus is in Gemini, so don't feel rushed to make choices that could have a significant impact in your life.
But for the most part, as far as transits go, this one is pretty fast-paced and exciting, promising a month that's filled with adventures. So, embrace the flirty, freedom-loving energy and get ready to have some fun — you deserve it.