The saga of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepping away from royal duties is nowhere near over. On Wednesday, the couple announced plans to distance themselves from the royal family, both figuratively and literally, and now they're making good on that promise: Meghan Markle is reportedly already back in Canada. Sky News says that the Duchess has returned to the country where she, Prince Harry, and son Archie spent six weeks over the holidays.
The Duke is reportedly staying in the U.K. a little longer to manage the fallout of their announcement, which we can only imagine is significant, since the Queen issued a less-than-pleased statement in response to their decision.
"We understand their desire to take a different approach, but these are complicated issues that will take time to work through," the statement from Buckingham Palace read.
The BBC also reported that "no other member of the Royal Family was consulted before Harry and Meghan issued their personal statement."
It's unclear when Prince Harry will join his wife and child but, according to their Instagram post, the family plans to split time between North America and the United States while working towards becoming financially independent.
"This geographic balance will enable us to raise our son with an appreciation for the royal tradition into which he was born, while also providing our family with the space to focus on the next chapter, including the launch of our new charitable entity," they wrote.
Whether or not this move is permanent, season 6 (or 7?) of The Crown has another place to add to its filming locations list.