I Wish To One Day Have The Confidence Of Ja Rule, Who Has Plans For A New Music Festival

Photo: Johnny Nunez/WireImage.
Even the most minor personal failures make me want to retreat into a den of pillows and blankets and never burden the world with my presence again, so in all honesty, kudos to Ja Rule, who was the face the spectacular failure that was Fyre Festival, and now wants it again.
Ja Rule said that he's fully rebranded the project and thinks it deserves its own music festival, while in conversation with TMZ.
“In the midst of chaos, there’s opportunity,” he said, justifying this dream by saying Fyre Fest was “the most iconic festival that never was. So, I have plans to create the iconic music fest — but you didn’t hear it from me.”
If you remember from watching both Netflix and Hulu's respective documentaries (neither of which Ja Rule has seen) you'll know that this whole thing started as a promotion for the app Fyre, which was intended as a Tinder-type tool for booking music talent. His app, Iconn, is basically that except without any of the same letters (to ward off suspicion, perhaps), describing itself as "a celebrity entertainment booking and concierge service."
The whole aura of the failed festival has been fodder for many memes, but the reality of it is heartbreaking for Ja Rule. Not because the festival stiffed a bunch of local workers on the island of Exuma, but because he "really, really wanted to be special and amazing."
“It’s not funny to me, man, it’s heartbreaking," he said.
Well, I guess there's always round two. If you were fascinated with the people who decided to attend Fyre Fest in the first place, just wait until you meet whoever is brave (if that's the word for it) enough to do it again.

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