Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
Time out from the head games! After four dizzying — but fantastically flirty — weeks, love planet Venus is leaving Gemini and sweeping into sentimental Cancer until August 26. At this point, you probably don't even remember half the people whose names you (drunkenly) plugged into your phone. C'est la vie. But now, we shift our attention from quantity to quality. With Venus in Cancer, we can't be bothered with people who don't have at least a glimmer of long-term potential. That's true for love, friendship, and even work relationships. Fortify bonds with your soul squad — or start the search for your tribe. Investing in quality connections will pay dividends over time.
The workweek wraps on a somewhat choppy note, thanks to Friday's crazy clash (a 90-degree angle called a square) between uninhibited Jupiter and undercover Pluto. What info to tweet from the rooftops and what to keep locked in the vault? That won't be the easiest judgment call to make, so err on the side of caution. Unless you're sure it's safe to spill, don't say a word. Power struggles could break out and there could be a clash of egos, even some bullying. This is the final Jupiter-Pluto square in a series that began in 2016. Don't back down from what you know you deserve — there's nothing wrong with being competitive, but keep it honorable and play a fair game.

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