This Woman Had The Best Revenge For A Guy Who Sent Her An Unwanted Dick Pic

As the internet plays an increasingly central role in how we communicate, people need to learn that consent is vital for any sexual interaction, in person or virtual. In the meantime, we're not totally opposed to enacting revenge on those who fail to understand this and send unsolicited dick pics. That's why boudoir photographer and lingerie model Rebecca Mcgregor will be a hero to anyone who's ever received an unwanted nude photo, Mashable reports.
When out of the blue, a stranger sent her a naked picture on Snapchat that left nothing to the imagination, she stood up for herself. "Literally why send that? What am I expected to reply? I'm so embarrassed for you," she wrote. Since this same man also followed her on Instagram and added her on Facebook at the same time, she was able to figure out who he was — and who his mom was. To drill home the point that this was really not OK, she thought she'd get his mom involved, too.
"Hey doll, I see you're listed as Glenn's mother?" she wrote alongside a screenshot of their exchange. "I think you need to have a chat with your son on how to approach women — see attached xx."
Because of the way some people view her profession, Mcgregor gets lots of messages like these. "I just thought, 'this is my only option left to stop this happening to me,'" she told Refinery29. "I've tried other things previously, such as ignoring them, changing privacy settings, being super strict on who I give the likes of my Snapchat username, and also adding 'do not ask for/send me nudes' on my social media profiles. This seemed the most effective solution, as to him, the others didn't work!"
She could be right. After that episode, it's hard to imagine him sending an unsolicited dick pic again.

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