I am not surprised anyone who watched
Get Out would then side-eye a Black/white heteronormative interracial couple.
The movie purposefully and hilariously presents this pairing as not only uncomfortable, but dangerous. This is not a foreign concept to any Black person who has ever dated a white person. If you’re a Black man dating a white woman, you’re most likely aware that fighting in public — even though it’s something most couples do at least once — could leave you in a vulnerable position depending on the racist beliefs of bystanders, police, or even the girl you’re fighting with. Black women dating white men are often warned to bring a charged phone, the name of a taxi service, and cash when visiting his family for the first time. (You know, just in case the introduction goes poorly.) We are a people of worst-case scenarios,
and rightfully so. But is it
that unbelievable that a Black person who happens to be dating or married to a white person would still be able to create art about Blackness?