Watch This Woman Dance Her Way Through Labor

In case you haven't heard, going through labor isn't exactly a walk in the park. Sure, labor is different for everyone, but if you've ever gone through labor (or thought about what labor might be like), it likely involved screaming and grunting in exertion and pain.
However, some people have come up with a few creative ways to get through the process. One woman, for example, has turned her labor into a dance party. And not just a mini-dance to ward off pain, but a full-on dance routine performance.
In a video posted to the Birthing in Love Facebook page, this unnamed woman can be seen busting out some sweet moves to V.I.C.'s "Wobble." (Seriously, she's in labor and still a better dancer than me.) And most of all, she seems pretty unfazed by the fact that she's probably in between contractions.
From finishing college exams to voting and nailing a Mannequin Challenge video, women in labor are getting shit done. Or even (safely) pole-dancing and even napping, in between. Most of us are probably used to taking medication for any pains (labor pains included), but there's nothing stopping you from coming up with your own way of taking some of the pressure off — as long as you do so safely, of course. Plus, what better way to welcome a baby than with an epic dance party?

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