It certainly isn't new news that we're avo-obsessed. Not only have we covered basically every single hack in the book for these creamy green babies, but we also have an entire slideshow dedicated to smothering it on toast. Oh, and we covered some breaking news on the all too real shortage scare. So really, what else could be left to talk about? Avocado stickers — that's what. And we're not talking cutesy oblong flair for decorating your computers and notebooks, we're talking stickers that discern ripeness levels.
According to Real Simple, Reddit user "mildlyinteresting" has discovered such a sticker. Thus freeing us from the countless times in our lives that we've spent feeling up avocados in crowded grocery store aisles. The photo (pictured above) depicts the time-saving sticker in all it's glory, including a three-tier chart with colored ripeness levels (i.e. not ripe, firm ripe, soft ripe). Aside from mildlyinteresting's headline "My Avocado Has a Color Chart on the Sticker, So You Know When It's Ripe.", not much other information is given. Such as, where can we find these stickered fruits? And do they really work? So for now we wait, with baited breath and not quite ripe avocados.