In an upcoming interview for CBS Sunday Morning, singer Demi Lovato is revealing some big news. Lovato has been open about the fact that she sought treatment at a rehab facility, CAST Centers in Los Angeles, back in 2013 for depression, bulimia, and substance abuse. Now, the 24-year-old pop star has become a part owner of the facility.
“I mean, I was a nightmare,” says Lovato of that time in her life. “I would say the word that I want to say, but it’s so inappropriate that I can’t. And this will be on a Sunday morning, so I’m not going to say it,” the singer says in the interview.
Lovato brought CAST's founder and CEO, Mike Bayer, on her Future Now Tour this summer, and says the treatment center is what helped her turn her life around. “It feels good,” Lovato tells Smith. “I’m sitting here right now, alive and more successful than I’ve ever been.” Pardon the pun, but we're confident Lovato will kick ass as an owner of CAST.