Nearly four months after Twitter users accused the actress of slut-shaming Kim Kardashian for posting a naked selfie, Chloë Grace Moretz said she's done with trolls on the online platform. The 19-year-old pressed other users to behave with empathy instead of posting hateful, belligerent comments.
"I've spent my whole life in front of cameras growing up with miscellaneous people judging and critiquing every little thing about myself," she wrote. "And it's time we all stop hiding behind keyboards pretending we know even the smallest thing about the people we judge."
Moretz tweeted her frustration with online trolls who share vitriolic messages.
When will people hiding behind computer screens get tired of calling someone "fat" or "masculine" -
— Chloë Grace Moretz (@ChloeGMoretz) June 28, 2016
- does it make you feel good typing your hateful comments ? Does it fulfill you in some dark way? -
— Chloë Grace Moretz (@ChloeGMoretz) June 28, 2016
- sit back before you fire away commenting ignorant things and imagine the real HUMAN BEING you are commenting about
— Chloë Grace Moretz (@ChloeGMoretz) June 28, 2016
- he or she is a PERSON, with feelings and thoughts and a life that you are affecting so negatively
— Chloë Grace Moretz (@ChloeGMoretz) June 28, 2016
Moretz is no stranger to online clap backs. This time, however, Moretz seemed to be addressing a different sort of troll than those who criticized her comments about Kardashian in the spring. Hateful, tactless comments were the focus of Moretz's messages, and she offered words to humanize victims of this online behavior.
Moretz ended her string of messages with a playful wink to keep things in perspective. "That's all — have a nice taco Tuesday guys," she wrote.