Harry Potter Fans Raise Their Wands For Orlando Victim

Perhaps Dumbledore said it best: "You think the dead we love ever truly leave us? You think that we don't recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble?" The Harry Potter world certainly hasn't forgotten Luis Vielma, the Universal employee who was among the 49 people slain in the Orlando shooting last weekend. Velma worked on the "Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey" ride, showing up to work in Gryffindor house colors. J.K. Rowling has already paid tribute to the 22-year-old, but fans and friends are taking it a step further. A series of Instagrams reveal fans raising their wands in honor of Vielma within The Wizarding World of Harry Potter park inside Universal Orlando. The tribute echoes the one paid to Hogwarts headmaster Dumbledore after his death.

"Do not pity the dead. Pity the living, and, above all those who live without love..." #WandsUp #OrlandoStrong

A photo posted by Patrick Dougall (@patrickzfilms) on

Visitors and staff members have also left photos and flowers.

Rip Luis Vielma for your journey continue in heaven! #universalstudios #onepulse #orlandostrong #prayfororlando #wandsup

A photo posted by Junior Del Valle (@latinrascal1) on

Another tribute revealed that Xavier Serrano, another victim, would perform in parades at the Universal theme park.

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