Why Does The Internet Support Kourtney Kardashian’s Nearly Nude Pic — But Never Kim’s?

As the dust has nearly settled around another Kim Kardashian nude feud, it appears Kourtney Kardashian is stirring some controversy of her own on Instagram. The mother-of-three shared a intricately posed belfie with her followers on Sunday as she tanned poolside.

Selfie camera view.

A photo posted by Kourtney Kardashian (@kourtneykardash) on

She even uploaded another photo to show off the extent of her belfie game.

Selfie SUNday.

A photo posted by Kourtney Kardashian (@kourtneykardash) on

What's interesting is that Kourtney's nearly nude picture stirred up little to no backlash at all. Almost all of the comments on the eldest Kardashian's picture are overwhelmingly positive. She was praised for her dedication to her workout regimen, her confidence, and for looking this good after giving birth to three children.
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Compare these reactions to those Kim received when she posted the below photo last week. She is showing a lot less skin than Kourtney, and not posing in a sexual way at all. Although she is flicking off the camera.

When we're like...we both have nothing to wear LOL @emrata

A photo posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on

Responses to Kim's photo were notably more negative and critical for almost the identical reasons Kourtney's was praised. The conversation is flipped on its head in Kim's case.
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via Instagram.
Why does it seem like there's a double standard between two sisters? The disparity in responses their behavior feels pretty petty. Both are mothers, both have money, and both enjoy sharing well-planned selfies to bring attention to the bodies they work hard to maintain. Something about Kim's selfie game just seems to rile up the haters.

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