When self-described "mom, wife, actress, and now…blogger!" Eva Amurri Martino hit the tarmac on her way back from a one-day business trip to New York City, her husband dropped a bombshell on her regarding the couple's nanny. As the actress (and daughter of Susan Sarandon) writes in her blog post "Nannygate 2.0" — a juicy, thorough, and ridiculously entertaining retelling of the whole incident — "Grab some popcorn and a cocktail, because this story is trashy — really trashy."
So, here's what happened. Eva called her husband Kyle to let him know she had landed safely. Kyle informed her that the same morning, while out on a walk with their toddler, he received a shocking text from the nanny before she came into work for the day: "OMG. Girl, did I mention to you how hot and sex my Boss is. I would love to fuck his brains out ha haah. Too bad he seems not to like thick Latin women with lots to hold on to LOL." Whoa, there! Now, she claimed this was meant to be sent to a friend. But, come on.
Kyle wasn't sure what to think until he walked back to their house — only to see the nanny peering out of the bedroom window. He realized, That text was NOT a mistake. What Eva's husband did next makes him a "legend" in her book. He confronted the nanny head-on — and voice-recorded the whole exchange on his iPhone. We won't spoil the rest of this salacious story, which is absolutely worth a read. You can't make this shit up, people.