This Granny Is A Total Beer Pong Champ

We associate grandmas with a lot of things, but beer pong just isn't one of them. That said, it looks like we need start thinking outside our stereotypical granny box.
We recently learned that certain badass senior citizens are more than willing to take shots of Fireball. And then there's the grandma in the below video who just skyrocketed to our top 10 favorite people of all time. According to Cosmopolitan, not only is she totally down to play beer pong with the youth, but she effortlessly banks the final shot like she's been playing all her life. (Maybe she has been?!)

Nan is the beer pong queen.

Posted by Lexii Richens on Sunday, February 7, 2016

Lexii Richens
posted the video to her Facebook page, simply stating, "Nan is the beer pong queen." And she's certainly right about that. When Nan wins the game, the crowd (yes, of course there's a crowd) goes absolutely wild. We can only hope that we're still spry enough to play drinking games with our grandchildren one day.

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