This Hallmark Commercial Will Reduce You To Tears

Photo: Courtesy of Hallmark.
Valentine's Day is coming, which means you'll be reminded exactly what letter kiss begins with at least 10 times a day. But even the most hard-hearted cynic will be moved by this lovey ad for Hallmark cards. In the commercial, couples sit down and explain how they met and fell in love (it's sort of like that scene in When Harry Met Sally). Some talk about how it was love at first sight; others focus instead on what keeps their love strong. And when it came to age and sexuality, Hallmark didn't discriminate — the ad shows all sorts of people in love. The commercial isn't only heartwarming — seriously, it will melt your cold, cold heart — but it's also hopeful. Even if you're single going into V-Day, it's comforting knowing that long-lasting love comes in many different forms. And hey, if nothing else, the ad proves that you could meet your true love anywhere, even, as one couple describes, waiting in line. Watch the ad below, and make sure you have tissues handy:

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