Should Kylie Jenner Really Be Snapchatting While Driving?

Photo: Jason Merritt/Getty Images.
Kylie Jenner just might be obsessed with social media. Despite being a young lipstick tycoon, she never seems to miss an opportunity to be present on Instagram, Twitter, and most of all, Snapchat. She's also quite influential to her followers — need we remind you of a little incident called the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge? So when videos of her constantly on her phone Snapchatting while driving throughout California, rarely does it go unnoticed. A writer at Buzzfeed spotted the terrifying trend of Snapchatting pictures and videos while driving, and compiled a list of treacherous moments that could have easily ended up with someone being injured. Be it a pedestrian, another driver, or a passenger in Kylie's car.

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A video posted by Kylie Jenner Snapchats (@kylizzlesnapchats) on

Buzzfeed points out that Kylie's speedometer is close to 30 mph in the Snapchat above. If a pedestrian is hit at that speed, the likelihood of them being killed is close to 40%. Here are a few more of Kylie recklessly Snapping her life away from the driver's seat of her car. Even when she's not holding the camera, she's totally distracted from driving. A young driver should never take their eyes off the road.
Not to mention the cost of wrecking any one of her luxury cars. That customized all-velvet Range Rover? Can you even imagine that bill? I'm pretty sure a 10-second Snap is way not worth it. No matter how rich you are. According to California’s DMV website, “If you are 18 years old or younger, you cannot text-message while driving with any cellphone OR hands-free device." Well, Kylie is still only 18. The monetary charge for a first offense of using a cell phone while driving is $20, and then $50 for all subsequent charges. But the cost of another person's life? Priceless. Keep that in mind next time you reach for your phone to snap a selfie.

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