This Shoe Roasting Is Hilarious & So Wrong

Sometimes your friends have some questionable fashion. We’ve all seen it. Someone rolls up to the bar wearing questionable shoes and everyone either bites a hole in their lip or just goes to the bathroom to laugh themselves silly in peace. “What do you think of my new shoes?” Your friend might ask. “I got them on sale.” You say, “They’re great.” or “Wow, can’t believe the deal you got.” or some such. But there’s always one person in your group that gets a gleam in her eye. She may have been catching up on some hot sneaker memes. Or maybe she just had one drink too many. But she’s about to go, as they say, in. Twitter user Jon Hendren made a minor mistake this February. He posted a picture of some “gaudy mother fuckin shoes.” He should have known better. His friends were licking their chops at the prospect of busting Hendren’s. They did so over a multi-month period that literally didn’t end until September. We don’t want to spoil the thread, so you should just read it, but we’ve posted some choice responses below.
But our favorite was perhaps the most understated:

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