Does A College Student Want To Kill Drake?

Photo: Matt Baron/BEImages.
Man, college was the best. You were never hungover. Your friends were usually just a door away. You got to make videos about murdering your favorite rapper. Wait, what?  Yes. A student at NYU named Chris Cole created a short film about murdering Drake. Named after Drizzy's latest album, If You're Reading This It's Too Late is a four-minute, darkly comic look at the extremity of fandom. In the film, Cole plays a fan so obsessed with Drake that he can't stand to see the rapper fail. So, after a disappointing Coachella performance, he decides the only way he can honor Drake's legacy is by killing him.  The fan interweaves song lyrics with a maniacal monologue about why Drake is the greatest rapper to ever live. Granted, this is obviously satire, but it might still give you the chills. Check out the video below. (Fader)

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