This Soccer Jersey’s Sexist Care Label Reminds Us Why Feminism Is Necessary

Well, here's a sign on International Women's Day that we are so not there in so many weird and horrifying ways. The labels on some soccer jerseys from Indonesian company Salvo Sports Apparel carry the
washing instructions, "Give this to your woman. It's her job." Are
you jumping up and down and throwing things at the screen right now? We'll give
you a minute...

The shirts were for Indonesian soccer team Pusamania Borneo,
which apparently has some eagle-eyed fans on Twitter, where outrage at this
backasswards sentiment soon reigned.

On Sunday, the company tweeted out an "apology."

"The message is simply, instead of washing it in
the wrong way, you might as well give it to a lady because they are more
capable," they
wrote in Indonesian, as translated by BBC News. "There
is no intention to humiliate women. In contrast [we want to tell the men] learn
from women how to take care of clothes."

Look at this label one more time.

And now, if it makes you feel any better, practice all the
faces of disbelief you'd wear if "your man" presented his stinky
jersey to you in this manner.      

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