Think you’re addicted to your phone? A new app will prove it. Called Checky, the app counts each time you open your phone to send a text message, see what’s happening on Facebook, or whatever else it is you do on that thing all day.
At the end of the day, the app lets you see not only how many times you checked your phone, but also plot where every check-in happened. There goes denying you were on your phone during dinner.
Checky is available for the iPhone and Android. I tried the app out this week and was shocked to learn how many times I pull my phone out each day — especially when I couldn't figure out why I'd done it. While I’m working, for instance, there’s no need to check email, messages, or even Twitter on my iPhone since I’m sitting in front of a computer screen. Yet, I managed to check my phone at least 30 times every work day. For what? I’m not quite sure.
Once you add in all the fidgeting I do on my phone at night, I consistently clock in at well over 60 check-ins per day. That’s a lot of looking at my phone.
If you’re proud of your check-in number (or not so proud and want your friends to shame you into changing) you can share your score for the day from the app directly onto Facebook and Twitter — or privately via SMS.
Of course, that counts as another check-in on your phone. But, who’s counting?