You're already taking them at brunch, with your cat, on the beach, and most certainly on the daily, but now they’ve even got their own social network. Launching today, Selfie the app lets you record short videos with the forward-facing camera on your iPhone and then share them with the world. That’s right, it’s a social network made up entirely of selfies.
Much like Twitter, you can follow people on the service and reply to others using it. By default, everything is shared with the selfie world, but if you need to have a private one-on-one (or a small group chat sesh with your BFFs), much like Snapchat, you can make selfie conversations private and viewable only by the users you want.
Created by Alex Lasky and Hugh Dornbush, the app came about serendipitously as the two worked together on another mobile project.
“We saw an opportunity to create a whole new type of social platform where people interact with one another face-to-face, more like they do in the offline world,” says Dornbush. Videos start out as short-video shares to the world, like those possible on Vine or Instagram, but they can quickly branch out into huge conversations with people around the world.
“People use it in so many different ways. The applications for it are sort of endless,” says Lasky. He says that beta users of the app are already using it to have private conversations with friends, and to share things publicly like beauty, fashion, and yoga tips.
Selfies are limited to just 24 seconds. And, much like other social networks, you can follow other users you’re interested in. New videos from users you follow show up on your feed when you launch the app, alongside some of the most outstanding videos of the day curated by Selfie themselves. If the app can garner celebrity or influencer users, then it could be a great way for them to interact with fans.
There are already tons of great videos in the app, with more on the way with the app’s official launch on iOS today. If you have an iPhone, you can download Selfie from the App Store. Android users are out of luck for now, but the team says a version for you is on the way. The #selfie is already ubiquitous across various social media platforms — maybe it's time it got a home of its very own.